Organic Disciple-making: Mentoring Others Into Spiritual Maturity by Dennis McCallum. This is one of the best books on making disciples I have read since I was involved with The Navigators during my military service in the 1960's and 70's. Great step-by-step instructions as well as a great introduction to the what, why, when and how of initiating and conducting a discipleship ministry.
Strategic Disciple Making: A Practical Tool for Successful Ministry by Aubrey Malphurs. This recent book by Dr. Malphurs begins with an interesting twist on the back cover, where Dr. Malphurs asserts that ..."Jesus' mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 is that the church make disciples of all its people, not just a select few." This really causes me to question whether the vaunted reputation of Dallas Seminary, where he is professor of pastoral ministries, for producing expositors skilled in handling the text of Scripture is not vastly over-rated.
The Biblical phrase panta ta ethne, made famous by Jesus and by Donald McGavran, has primary reference to "all the peoples," or "all the nations," not of all the individuals in a church situated in a particular ethno-linguistic setting.
I've always respected Dr. Malphurs work and own many, if not most of his books, and have used him extensively in my ministry of leader development for missions leaders. To me it's embarrassing that he would make such a crucial strategic mistake in finding the direction and biblical warrant for his ministry in Scripture.
Commissioned: What Jesus Wants You to Know as You Go by Marvin J. Newell. I've know and been associated with Dr. Newell, Executive Director of CrossGlobal Link (Formerly the IFMA) for twenty years since he supervised by sister's missionary service in Irian Jaya, so it's impossible for me to be objective about his great book on Jesus' Great Commission. But that should, in no way, be interpreted as diminishing my enthusiasm for his work.
It's clear that he has brought all his years of missionary service and leadership with TEAM, his years of academic instruction and research with Moody Graduate School and his current service leading CrossGlobal Link to this volume of deep insight and practical exhortation.
To this point, my reference for detailed understanding of the Great Commission has been David Howard's The Great Commission for Today. Now Marv's book will reclaim it's rightful place alongside that volume on my shelf and in my heart.
Mind Maps for Business: Revollutionise your business thinking and practice by Tony Buzan. This new book by the Guru of mindmapping add both practical instruction and great examples of the use of mindmapping to address business dilemmas and solve problems.
I particularly like Ken Blanchard's books because he puts the goodies right down on the bottom shelf where they really make sense to people like me and the people I work with. I've used a number of his books, but here are the recent one's I'm looking forward to digesting and sharing with those I lead and train":
Know Can Do: Put Your Know How into Action by Ken Blanchard and others. The dust jacket says: Why is it that so many things we try so hard to learn just don't stick? Because we spend all our energy learning new skills and better habits, but we lack effective strategies for retaining and applying all the helpful information we take in. Blanchard gives three steps trainers can take to close the knowing/doing gap.
Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called "Don't Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A". by Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge. Using the WD-40 company as his learning laboratory, Blanchard walks through he steps of re-framing corporate cultures to help people experience success on a daily, quarterly and annual basis.
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