1. Strengths. Your God-given capabilities which allow you to make a unique contributions in serving others. Our strengths may be spiritual gifts, acquired skills, or natural abilities.
2. Weaknesses. Our weaknesses are capabilities we may possess but for some reason are dormant. They may be unrealized spiritual gifts or undeveloped talents. Given the proper development and nourishment, weaknesses can be turned into strengths.
3. Limitations (or non-Strengths). Limitations are those capabilities which we lack. They are spiritual gifts or natural abilities which we do not possess. No matter how hard we try, there are some things we will never do well.
4. Flaws. Our flaws are cracks in our character. They are more serious than limitations. Limitations will simply prevent us from being outstanding in an area but flaws, if not properly dealt with, may derail one’s entire life or ministry no matter how gifted or successful it may be. Some examples of characters flaws are: inability to control anger; deep insecurity; latent racism / sense of cultural or national superiority; grudge-bearing; impatience or irritability; tendency to procrastinate; inability to forgive.
- Character flaws generally work secretly at the core of our being, creating weak spots. They can be covered up until stresses of life or ministry touch that spot so strongly that it collapses into some kind of moral failure. The failure may be large and public or small and easily overlooked, like a reluctance to take a risk for fear of failure. All of us have flaws – it is part of our fallen human nature.
- Dealing with our flaws is also part of God’s agenda for our character development and growth in maturity and ministry.
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