Saturday, September 18, 2010

Strategic and Action Planning for Ministry

Today I completed a draft learning assignment for World Team on Strategic and action planning.

(Gospel Leadership Profile) (5) Leadership Competencies The wisdom to know how and when to skillfully use leadership competences to reproduce themselves. Strategic planning: Focus on effective Spirit-led planning that results in a team accomplishing ministry goals. (Gospel Leadership Profile)
This brief statement incorporates four key indicators of the godly leadership we aspire to provide to those we serve by leading:
1.       Strategic planning
ü  Takes a long range approach to a mission, a task, an organization, etc. over a period of time.
ü  Begins with consideration of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) 
ü  Develops an approach to accomplish the objective in a particular setting.
2.      Effective tactical or action planning
ü  Breaks down the strategic plan into specific, short term goals, actions and plans.
ü  Develops a task list of the who, what, when, where, and the resources needed for success
ü  Effective plans can be implemented and lead to accomplishing the goal.
3.      Spirit-led planning
ü  Listens and responds to God’s voice, before, during and after the planning session.
4.      Focus on fulfilling mission and vision
ü  Aggressively evaluates and adapts plan to produce effective spiritual ends.
Suggested “challenge” and developmental steps on how to grow in planning:
ü  Review the process of coming up with the current team or field plan. List the options considered and discuss the alternatives chosen.
ü  Evaluate the current field or team plan. Discuss the issues faced in implementing the plans. Are the schedules realistic? Are the required resources available? Do leaders have the competencies to implement the plans? Are the plans producing the desired results?
ü  How does planning relate to Paul’s statement that we are “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”? (Eph. 2:10)
ü  Do a Bible study on whether strategic planning is Biblical. (A helpful guide can be found at: )
ü  A very helpful planning resource for non-profit organizations is available at.
ü  An outline for a ministry planning retreat is available at
ü  So see an example of a strategic plan for a ministry organization (Calvary Bible College and Seminary)
ü   Strategic planning is one area where someone outside your team or organization can be helpful, especially someone with planning expertise and experience. Ask your team leader, field or area director to help you identify someone who could provide help in this area.
ü  Ask a knowledgeable home side ministry colleague (from a sending or supporting) church to evaluate your team plan from their experience base.
ü  Evaluate current ministry goals against the SMART criteria, are they specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and trackable? How could they be restated to meet the criteria?
ü   Missionary pioneer J. Hudson Taylor stated: “Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is no need for faith.” How do your plans embody risk? Should they?

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